Monday, July 7, 2014


In early July of 2014 a bus from South America filled with woman and children who had put their lives on the line and traveled halfway across the continent in hopes of a new life in the USA, arrived at the border and was greeted by hatred from a group of American Citizens. These people would not let the bus pass. The big Question is where these people justified in doing this or was it unnecessary. Our founding fathers wanted this country to be a place where everyone felt welcomed and on the statue of liberty it says “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” however america has been the target of terrorism and many fear the foreigners could take our Jobs. Which side are you on?


think of this as an online debate room where everyone should feel safe, and justly we have rules.
1. don't single people out
2. accept others opinions (not necessarily changing your own) 
3. let people remain anonymous if they so desire
4. use only limited swearing in order to display a point
5. do not hit below the belt
6. respect people privacy
7. if someone feels that something posted in reply to their post was unessisary they should say so and the matter will not further be pushed, unless it was already a part of the conversation before the user posted.

if you have any issues feel free to let me know and I will try to resolve them!!!